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How to start bodyboarding?
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How to start bodyboarding?
Choosing the spot
The first thing to do when you want to start bodyboarding is to choose the right place to practice safely. It is better to choose a sandy beach, where there are no strong currents and where you can be in your depth.
Going into the water and positioning
First, you can keep your fins at home. You will need them only when you will not be a beginner anymore.
It’s time to go into the water!
Take your bodyboard, hang your leash and head towards the waves. The goal is to reach your height at the level water; to get closer to the waves while keeping you safe. Then, turn over the beach and be ready to catch a ‘white wave’, which means it is already broken.
It is really important to keep an eye on the waves so as not to be surprised by their arrival. You will be able to see their evolution and choose the wave you will take.
Catching/Riding the wave
Wait in a standing position until the wave is about 2 meters from you. Then launch yourself forward with a small impulsion.
Make sure you are well positioned on the board by having your body centered in the centre of the bodyboard. Put your hands on the nose and keep your elbows on the whole bodyboard. Your elbows should never be outside of the board. This common mistake will make you lose speed and create unbalance.
Finally, to improve your posture, keep your look straight to the beach and bend your back, so that you don’t dive forward or fall on the sides.
Thanks to all these steps, you will be able to glide for a few meters and feel your first bodyboard feelings.
After few sessions, you could get back your fins and progress into your practice!
If you want to know which model SNIPER choose or which size, you can read our other articles in the blog section.
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8 place André Emlinger, Le Forum – 64100 Bayonne, France
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Founded in the year 2000, SNIPER is a bodyboard brand focused on quality and performance to serve both the amateur and professional rider.